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 Uniforms, Milsim and Props

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Posts : 334
Join date : 2009-10-16
Location : Burns Lake

Uniforms, Milsim and Props Empty
PostSubject: Uniforms, Milsim and Props   Uniforms, Milsim and Props EmptySat Oct 17, 2009 7:18 pm

OK, SO, I am putting this under Policy but they are just suggestions we would like you to consider before buying new gear. etc...

Uniformity: We would like to suggest that the Official TEAM members work towards a certain amount of uniformity of gear. This is very general tho, everyone's 'RIG' is a unique piece of art and we don't expect people to change their whole system due to this. However, if you are considering getting new gear, here is what we would highly suggest:

Camo: Omnipat or Digipat are the patterns of choice, best suited to our field. we would like to see as much of this as possible. However, if you are allready set-up, dont worry but consider it next time you are thinking of getting camo.
Woodlands, Realtree or Cadpat are good second choices, better suited for the deeper summer while the Ominpat seems to work well all year.

Radios: If you are going to invest in a radio, we suggest you get a Midlands GXT series radios. Talk to Me. Buckshot or CdnBaller one of us can probably find you a deal on ebay or something. Little more pricey ($100 a set with charger base and boom mics) but wicked powerful and loads of features. MIcs, modular Throat mic with Finger PTT &/or puck PTT, Midlands Dual pin connector(GXT version) Talk to Buckshot or me about these as he has found some very nice ones that are not too expensive from

Markers: Well, we are not going to tell you how to pick your women/men, so we are not going to tell you how to pick your weapons! However, we would like to see as much Milsim as you can get, this is scenario paintball, so the more realistic the better. If you must use a ray gun black would be a preffered color. Not saying you cant sport your hot pink 'Zat' gun but i'm sure the Allies would have had a much different battle plan had the enemy had those.
We favour Tippman markers like the X-7 & A-5, 98, Phenom
Other good picks: BT TM-7,TM-15, BT-4,T-9 Elite...lots of others
Pumps a specialty: Tracer or maverick pumps,Tippmann C-3..many others
Pistols/Sidearms: Tippmann TPX , Tac-8. Others?
We intend to plan some limited fire games and some limited ammo games. for these, weapons with clips or limited ammo systems may be required as will semi auto or pump action fire in some occasional scenarios. Their are a few spares of these types around for those who haven't got but not a bad idea to add these options to your bag eventually.

Barrells: This is a loaded question, there are so many barrels and opinions out there it is hard to guess. We favor the Hammerhead Battlestix barrell. other nice one are Freak, anything else by Hammerhead, Proto 1 piece is not bad for cheaper.

Gun Mods: Ws suggest that if you are using a Cyclone system on anything other than basic semi auto to get the Vortex, Vented Piston housing???, Lightning rod , Upgraded ratchet and squishy paddles. other than that there are too many others to get into and your weapon is your business, for high rate of fire, some sort of accelerated hopper is needed. Mods that increase functionality are all over the place, ask someone who has owned that marker for best suggestions. Milsim mods, always welcome.

Goggles: Themal are good, JT Xfire, JT Flex 8, Proto, sure im forgetting some here. Goggle covers in camo and dark/smoke lenses always good as they hide you best, fan system if you need them.

General Equipment layout:

-Camo pants & jersey
-Knee pads or Shin pads optional
-Boots, there is mud! make sure you can run in them.
-Gloves save your knuckles.
-Vests are very handy for getting weight off your hips, some scenarios may require you to carry an object in 1 hand, so ability to hang most of your gear off a vest is very convenient. Molle vests in your preffered camo are available and very nice, marker slings help too, radio pouches, utility pouches, Pods etc...
-Headgear is your own call of course, I like a thin camo balacava, others go Helmet, or Shermagh, hats or boonies, main issues to deal with are Camo so your head doesnt stick out when you pop up. Coverage for protection against direct hits. Overheating which causes fogging. you have to find your own balance there

-Gas - We prefer Air since we try to bring scubas for refilling, always be sure to check before game day to make sure there will be enough air for you! or be prepared to bring your own. Always good to show up with a full air tank as it means you only need to be topped up between games, which doesnt kill off the scubas as fast. Co2, not so good for your gun or accuracy, if you are going CO2 bring your own. same for NO2 if anybody is into that or propane for that matter.
-Remote line can be very nice, but are your choice to use or not. Ask Roadgunner about Pro Connects
-AirTanks- If you are using a high speed gun you will want to get a fairly large air tank so you do not run out during games, we suggest a minimum of a 68, better yet an 80! smaller tanks might work ok on slower guns or LP or more efficient markers than the Tippmans. The bigger tanks get pretty heavy so Carbon fibre is a very nice feature.

-Paint - free to use what you want with these important exceptions:

NO JT ABYSS!!!! except for target practice! this stuff permenantly stains your gear!

Monster Balls - Worse than shooting rocks thru your gun, please do not use this paint either, it Hurts.

-We would prefer you stay away from tournament type paints that use wax as a base so you can not wipe it, these paints tend to stain worse than others, but their is no clear verdict on this yet, just a guideline.
-For cyclone fed guns we would suggest Frostbite in the winter and Marbelizers, RPS Premium to avoid blender action.

Many people have issues with paint and what seems like good paint this week might seem horrible next weekend! Paint ages poorly and is best shot fresh! If you buy all your paint for the season you are going to be shooting garbage in the fall! We tend to buy our paint ain group buys every few weeks, this way we can usually get cheaper prices and always have frech paint to shoot! Our current standard field paint of choice is X.O. Camotac, when available. good paint for a fair price.

-Tools - Some of us bring fairly well equiped tool kits but you will want to put your own togethor as you find what you need most:
Alan keys
Teflon tape
Gun oil/lubricant
Parts diagram if you have one for your marker
Spare O'rings,
O'ring pick
Electric tape
Spare batteries
Antifog spray
all useful.

-Chronographs, the more the merrier, some of us bring them regularly.
-Barrel plugs or barrel condoms are necessary to keep your guns safe in the MASH areas!
If you do not have one you will have to remove the air source in the MASH area!
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