Here is the basic way this site works:
As a Guest (without signing up) you can see some of the forum area discussions but can not participate in them.
Once you have signed up to the site you become a Member and you can see most of the site and you can post.
Members are usually listed as Visitors or are members of one or another of the squads.
We have a set of 4 squads or Company's that makes up our formal TEAM. You do not have to be a member of the team on this site, these are just the core members. However, if you become a regular player you may want to join one of the squads. Most are still recruiting and we are always interested in adding more squads both locally or in other close by areas such as Terrace, Smithers, Houston, Burns Lake, Fort Fraser, Vanderhoof, P.G., Quesnel or Williams Lake. Our hope is to build up a small working league of clubs that we can travel around and visit during the year. then invite back for tournaments and larger scenario events several times a year at our Burns Lake base of operations where we have 80 acres of land available to us and 3 developed fields.
There are several bonuses to becoming part of a squad with us.
1st - You get full membership on this site and can compete in our tournaments as a team for prizes and awards.
2nd - Your squad gets access to the Provincially recognized Mercenary Republic Ranking system. A very well designed awards system that rewards players for their game attendance and prowess on the field. It is easy to run and easy to understand.
Check here for more Info: - The Dogs of War have a Gold level sponsorship from Badlands Paintball. Being a ranked member of a squad here will allow you access to extreme discounts on gear & paint from Badlands. (must be ordered thru our sponsorship accounts via myself {Blackdog} or Dagwood)
4th - You get in on Group buys for equipment, paint, T-shirts, badges etc.. We share shipping by pooling our orders. makes it cheaper for all. We are always looking for more sponsorship to also assist in keeping prices down. Our aim is to provide quality games & services at non pay field prices. We are all from the Outlaw side of paintball and know that overcharging for paint etc.. kills the sport. By combining forces we can achieve cheaper prices for all!
5th - you get to hang out with a great group of guys, we have social events aswell as paintball events. BBQ's, team awards nights, and lots of field trips to other fields and locations to play. Some with overnighters with camping and games. All available to those who wish to attend.
6th - It is free! there are no fees to join. or play with our group. All you pay for is paint, CO2 & gear rental if you do not have your own. Otherwise you can bring your own gear, your own paint and your own CO2 or Air. If you do need to buy paint, co2 or rent gear, please arrange in advance of game day as supplies are limited. Some major events such as Tournaments may have an entry fee to cover the cost of prizes and awards. This fee will always be kept as low as possible and only paid by those who wish to attend that event.
(All markers must test under 280fps on Chronograph before allowed in games)
So if you want to join the site as a visitor, a Member, a local player or a full or partial squad of your own. Please contact either Buckshot or myself (Blackdog) and we can get things rolling for you.
Squad sizes: Minimum 3, Maximum 10
Blackdog email: